Mighty Lord Extend Your Kingdom
Mighty Lord, extend Your kingdom
Be the truth with triumph crowned
Let the lands that sit in darkness
Hear the glorious gospel sound!
From our borders
From our borders
To the world’s remotest bound!
By Your arm, eternal Father
Scatter far the shades of night
Let the great Immanuel’s kingdom
Open like the morning light!
Let all barriers
Let all barriers
Yield before Your heav’nly might!
Come in all Your Spirit’s power
Come, Your reign on earth restore
In Your strength ride forth and conquer
Still advancing more and more!
Till all people
Till all people
Shall Your holy name adore!
Be the truth with triumph crowned
Let the lands that sit in darkness
Hear the glorious gospel sound!
From our borders
From our borders
To the world’s remotest bound!
By Your arm, eternal Father
Scatter far the shades of night
Let the great Immanuel’s kingdom
Open like the morning light!
Let all barriers
Let all barriers
Yield before Your heav’nly might!
Come in all Your Spirit’s power
Come, Your reign on earth restore
In Your strength ride forth and conquer
Still advancing more and more!
Till all people
Till all people
Shall Your holy name adore!