I Shall Know Him

When my life work is ended
And I cross the swelling tide
When the bright and glorious morning 
I shall see

I shall know my Redeemer 
When I reach the other side
And His smile shall be the first 
To welcome me

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side
I shall stand

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
By the print of the nails
In His hand

Oh, the soul thrilling rapture
When I see His blessed face
And the luster of His kindly 
Beaming eye

How my glad heart will praise Him
For the mercy, love and grace
That prepared for me a mansion
In the sky

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side
I shall stand

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
By the print of the nails
In His hand

Oh, the dear ones in glory
How they beckon me to come
And our parting at the river 
I recall

To the sweet vales of Eden
They will sing my welcome home
But I long to meet my Savior
First of all

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side
I shall stand

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
By the print of the nails
In His hand

Thro' the gates to the city
In a robe of spotless white
He will lead me where no tears
Will ever fall

In the glad song of ages 
I shall mingle with delight
But I long to meet my Savior
First of all

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side
I shall stand

I shall know Him
I shall know Him
By the print of the nails
In His hand